Tag: Islam


Muslim Taxi Driver Appreciated For Returning £12K to Pensioner.

A Muslim taxi driver helped a pensioner by returning him £12K and was appreciated for helping the elderly pensioner who became a victim of...

Muslim surgeon from Canada became an Innovator of the year for finding treatment for complex eye disease.

A Muslim surgeon from Canada named Dr. Iqbal K. Ahmed has been awarded for his work. He found the treatment for complex eye disease....

Muslim butcher, Zaza Ogaz gives shelter to Cancer Patients in Cairo.

Muslim butcher Zaza Ogaz helps people who suffer from Cancer. He lives in Cairo and gives shelter to people who are in need. He...

This British Muslim became a lifesaver of a homeless man 1.

A British Muslim man has helped a homeless man by providing him a job and saving his life. The homeless man is from Birmingham...

Richard McKinney Wanted To Blow Mosques, But Instead, He Embraced Islam And He Even Preaches Islam.

Richard wanted to blow Mosque in Indiana. He says that his whole life is guilt. He then converted to Islam as he got Inspired...

Georgette Lepaulle One of The Worlds Eldest Lady To Embrace Islam At 92.

Georgette Lepaulle is the oldest person who accepts Islam.She becomes the oldest person who converted to Islam at the age of 92.The month of Ramadan inspired...