Last week Vikas Dubey killed 8 policemen and escaped. The police were searching for him. He has been shot dead while he tried to escape from the Custody. The police had taken him along with them when an accident occurred.

- Vikas Dubey shot dead while he tried to escape from the police.
- Vikas killed 8 policemen last week.
- He Escaped from his house and the police were searching for him.
Vikas Dubey who killed 8 policemen died in an encounter.
Vikas Dubey who is involved in many crimes and who killed 8 policemen One week before has been shot dead on Friday. Vikas tried to escape from the police and the police officer shot him.
Vikas was shot after he snatched the gun from the police officer when their car was overturned on the highway. After the car was overturned Vikas snatched the gun and was trying to escape. The police shot Vikas while there was an exchange of fire.
Many politicians said that the killing of Vikas Dubey is a staged drama. Vikas has been escaped for about a week and his house has been raided by police officers last week here he killed 8 policemen.
Two police officials have been arrested in this case. Vikas has been involved in robberies and Murders. 60 criminal cases have been registered against him.
Opposition party leaders said that this incident is pre-planned and it was planned so that Vikas Dubey should not reveal the name of people who were involved with him.
Priyanka Gandhi who is the General Secretary of Congress said that there should be an investigation in this matter. Others said that such killing must not be supported and police should not take such decisions without trials.
Police said that the gang of Dubey has blocked the road and started the fire when they were taking Dubey along with them. Many officers were wounded because of this.
Also: Ejaz Choudry 62, Canadian Muslim Dies After Being Shot 5 Rounds Nonstop By Police.
Vikas Dubey is accused of killing a BJP leader in the year 2001. Many politicians who are from the opposition party wanted an investigation in this matter and said that such incidents should not happen.