Myanmar soldiers confess that they were ordered to mass murder Rohingya Muslims in the year 2017. The confession made by soldiers was filmed and was released.

- Two Myanmar Deserters confessed that they were ordered to mass murder Rohingya Muslims.
- Their confession was recorded in a video.
- The investigation related to the Rohingya crisis is underway.
Related:- CNN
Rohingya Muslims mass murder.
Myanmar soldiers confess about the mass violence which took place in Rakhine state. Their video confession was recorded and the investigation is underway.
In the year 2016, the Muslim Minority Rohingya were targeted and Many Refugees crossed the Bangladesh border stated that they were discriminating against them along with killing people and rape which lead them to leave the place.
The claims regarding killing And discrimination was denied in the year 2019 by Myanmar Government. Myanmar declared Rohingya Muslims as illegal immigrants and said that they are from Bangladesh. But Rohingya Muslims have been staying in the state from many generations.
The videos which were released stated the confession made by uniformed men. They said that they were ordered to do so and they buried a total of 30 dead people in one grave and even said that they raped women before killing them. They said that they killed people in villages.
The soldiers are now in the custody of the International criminal court in Hague. The two people were seen at the Bangladesh border and claimed that they want protection along with this they made a confession about the mass murder of Rohingya Muslims in the year 2017 as stated by Payam Akhavan who is the International legal counsel for Bangladesh and is a former UN prosecutor.
The people of Rohingya are happy that such confession recorded in a video can be huge evidence and hopes that these people will be punished for their mistakes and their crimes.
A total of 740,000 refugees were seen entering the border of Bangladesh due to the indiscrimination against them. More than 6,700 Rohingya Muslims were killed and 730 children who were just the age of 5 years were killed in Rohingya. The investigation is underway and people hope that those who killed Rohingya Muslims would be punished.