People from selected countries can’t perform umrah as Saudi Arabia fears the spread of coronavirus.

Saudi Arabia has banned the entry of Umrah Pilgrims fearing coronavirus, pilgrims who desire to worship at both the holy cities of Mecca and Madina in order to avoid the spread of coronavirus.
On Thursday the foreign minister reported that the Saudi government was temporarily preventing the entry of People who wished to perform umrah or who wished to visit Prophet’s mosque.
In 2014 during the Ebola outbreak, The Kingdom decided to temporarily ban people to visit both the cities in order to avoid the disease. Even during the swine flu outbreak, the people were made to wear masks in order to avoid any spread of infection.
Reports claim that it is still unsure that Hajj 2020 which will begin in the month of July will be affected by these restrictions. As per the latest reports, The Saudi Government has canceled the tourist visas of those countries where the outbreak of this epidemic is observed. 7 Saudi citizens who traveled to Iran were among the infected patients, the government said that they were trying to contact the authorities of that country so that they could treat the patients.
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Due to an outbreak in Iran which caused an increase in the number of cases in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman. As a result, the schools in Kuwait has been closed in order to avoid the spread of disease.
Large Shia communities are found both in Bahrain and Kuwait who visit Iraq For pilgrimage purposes.UAE has stopped all the flights to the Islamic Republic as 13 cases of coronavirus was detected among the tourist who visited Dubai.
The Saudi government has requested the citizens not to travel to those countries where the epidemic is found. Indonesia’s Foreign minister on Thursday has urged the Saudi Government to allow its citizens to perform the Umrah successfully because at the time of the announcement the Indonesian citizen might still be there- Foreign Minister Retno Masudi stated.