Two brothers age 18 and 20 named Abdur Rahman and Bilal were tortured by the police officers in Kerala over the physical assault which took place on an RSS worker. They were questioned and tortured.

- Â Two brothers from Kerala were tortured based on mere suspicion.
- Â The Brothers were brutally beaten and were hospitalized
-  Abdur Rahman shared how he and his brother suffered serious injuries.  Â
Related: TheCognate
Kerala youth was tortured by the police officers over suspicion.
In Kerala on 24th, August Police went to the house of Abdur Rahman and Bilal due to mere suspicion they had regarding the physical assault on an RSS worker which took place earlier.
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The Brothers were taken to the police station and were tortured. Both the brothers did not know about the incident which took place on the RCC worker and they said that they were innocent but the police did not listen to them said their lawyer Mohammad Rashid.

After suffering from serious injuries Abdur Rahman was in hospital as he was injured and brutally tortured. There were injuries on his thighs, chest, and legs, and on his genitals. His brother Bilal is still in the custody and is reported to be in the same condition as Abdur Rahman is.
Abdur Rahman said how 20 police officers were interrogating them. While interrogating 2 police officers stood on the thighs of Bilal with their boots and other police officer used a lathi. Abdur Rahman further said that the police officer kicked him in his stomach.
Both the brothers were stripped naked and they were beaten with Lathis. Pepper spray was sprayed on their genitals and they said that they could not bear the pain. He even said that his brother was given an electric shock.
One officer said that Muslims should not be born and they don’t need more Muslims. As per the reports, there was blood found in the urine of Abdur Rahman which was due to the internal bleeding which took place.
Palakkad Native Reny Ayline who is the National Secretary of the National Confederation of Human Rights organization said that When he was in Kashmir the youth described the discrimination and the same can be seen in Kerala.
The president of Palakkad district was furious over the incident and said that Abdur Rahman was a school student and his brother Bilal is an electrician, they did not do anything to receive such treatment. The comments made by the police officers describe the hate which they have towards the Muslim community.