Coronavirus claimed 19,607 lives and 434,983 are infected around the world and still counting, Check Live Updates here.

- Coronavirus has spread to 192 countries.
- A total of 434,983 cases have been reported.
- More than 19,607 people are reported to be dead due to this virus.
Coronavirus which has been Named by WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as COVID-19 has spread to more than 192 countries and 434,983 cases have been confirmed till now, out of which 19,607 people have been reported to be dead due to this virus. Many pharmaceutical companies are working to develop Coronavirus Vaccines. The list of countries that are affected by Coronavirus is as follows.
Countries affected by Coronavirus.
CHINA- China was the first country which reported the first case of coronavirus in Wuhan. After China, Hong Kong reported its first case in the month of January. A total of 81,093 cases have been reported in China out of which 3,270 are reported to be dead.
ITALY- After China, Italy has the most number of Coronavirus Cases. Total confirmed cases in Italy are reported to be 59,138 and 5,476 people have been dead.
UNITED STATES- US has reported a total of 35,075 cases. Out of the total cases, 712 has been reported from Diamond Princess Cruise ship and three from China. Total Number of people dead were reported to be 458.
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SPAIN- Spain has reported a total no of 33,089 cases tested positive out of which 2206 have been dead.
GERMANY- Germany witnessed a total of 27,181 cases of which 113 have been reported as dead.
IRAN- Iran has reported the death of 49 people in a single day. A total of 23,049 cases has been confirmed by Iran, and 1812 people have been dead by now.
FRANCE- France was the first European Country that reported two cases of Coronavirus in the month of January. A total of 16,689 confirmed cases has been reported and 674 people have been dead.
SOUTH KOREA- After Iran, South Korea is affected by Coronavirus. The regions which are highly affected by Coronavirus are Daegu, Seoul, Busan, Gyeongbuk. 8961 confirmed cases have been reported out of which 111 people have been reported as dead.
SWITZERLAND- Switzerland reported a total of 8,547 cases out of these cases 118 were dead.
UNITED KINGDOM– There is a total of 5,683 confirmed cases in the UK. The latest case is the Health Minister of the country. 289 people have been reported to be dead.
NETHERLANDS- Total confirmed cases in Netherland are 4,749, out of which 213 people are dead.
NORWAY- Norway confirmed a total of 2,538 cases and 9 people are reported as dead.
AUSTRALIA- About 1,717 cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed in Australia, Out of Which 7 are reported as dead.
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CANADA- 1,472 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Canada out of which 20 people are reported as dead.
JAPAN- Total confirmed cases are 1,101 in Japan and 41 people are dead.
UAE- UAE confirmed 198 cases of Coronavirus. The latest case is of an Indian who came in contact with the infected person. UAE is taking measures to check passengers arriving from China in order to avoid the spread of the virus. 2 people are reported as dead.
INDIA- The total Number of Confirmed cases in India is 433. The latest case was a person who returned from Italy and the tourist who came from Italy. The first case was reported in Kerala where a student from Wuhan was affected by Coronavirus. All the 3 cases from Kerala have recovered and have been discharged. 8 people are reported as dead.
IRAQ- Iraq has reported about 266 cases of Coronavirus out of which 23 people are dead.
SAUDI ARABIA- SA confirmed 562 cases of Coronavirus. The kingdom has restricted the entry and has recently closed the doors of the Holy Mosques to clean it in order to protect the people from the virus.
Also:- Saudi Arabia: King Salman Extended Curfew To 21 Days, Coronavirus.
PAKISTAN- Pakistan has confirmed 825 cases of Coronavirus out of which 6 people are reported as dead.
Also:- Muslim Doctor From Pakistan Dies Treating Coronavirus Patients.
SOUTH AFRICA- SA reported 402 cases of Coronavirus.
BANGLADESH- Total of 33 Â cases have been confirmed in Bangladesh and 3 people are reported as dead.
SRI LANKA- 92 cases of coronavirus were confirmed. Sri Lanka suspended the granting of visas to Chinese travelers.
NEPAL- Nepal reported 2 cases of Coronavirus which has been detected in a male student who has returned from China. Two more people have been tested and are under isolation.
TURKEY- Turkey confirmed its first case on March 10th when a man who has returned from Europe has been tested Positive. He has been Isolated and kept away from his family. 1,236 people have been tested positive and 30 people are reported as dead in turkey.
Apart from these countries Bahrain with 339 cases, Qatar with 494 cases, Singapore with 509 cases, Malaysia with 1518 Cases, Canada with 1472 cases out of which 20 have been reported as dead, Greece with 624 Cases, Iceland with 588 Cases, Thailand with 721 cases, the Philippines with 462 cases, Ukraine with 73 and Guyana with 19 cases of Coronavirus has been confirmed.
Symptoms of Coronavirus.
The symptoms of Coronavirus include Fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Typical symptoms of Coronavirus include fever and cough. It is stated that it starts with fever, followed by cough and after one week it leads to shortness of breath.
- 80% of cases are mild and people can recover at home.
- 13.8% of cases are developing severe shortness of breath.
- 4.7% of people are critical of multi-organ failure.
- People who are older are affected by the virus.
- There are fewer cases of coronavirus among children.
People suffering from other illnesses have the risk of getting affected by a coronavirus. Heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes are at higher risk.
How to avoid getting infected.
- Hand wash can kill the virus. Washing hands for at least 30 seconds with soap or Alcohol-based hand rub will be helpful.
- Maintaining social distancing can prevent the transfer of viruses as a person sneezes and coughs and the virus can be transmitted through this.
- Avoid touching nose, eyes, and mouth as hands which are not washed can carry the virus and when these hands touch the nose and eyes the virus can be transmitted.
- Staying at home lowers the number of Coronavirus cases as the virus will not be transmitted.
- Drinking warm water after every 20 minutes will be helpful, taking liquids like coffee, soup, warm water, tea will be helpful.
- Avoid sitting on the ground as the virus stays on the surface for 3 hours.