BBC Radio stations broadcast prayers in the UK. The mosques in the UK have been closed to avoid gathering due to Coronavirus. As people are not able to attend the Friday prayers, the radio station broadcast the prayers and Quranic quotes.

- BBC Radio stations broadcast Friday prayers as places of worship are closed.
- The radio station broadcast Verses of the Quran.
- Muslims in the UK can listen to the prayers and the Quranic verses which is Broadcasted on 14 BBC local radio stations.
Related:- Arabnews
Muslim Prayers Being Broadcasted On BBC Radio.
The UK has closed all the places of worship from March 23rd so that people do not gather in order to avoid the spread of viruses. This measure was taken by many countries as people gather in crowds during Friday prayers.
The BBC Radio stations have started to Broadcast the Friday prayers as well as the verses of the Quran and the Quotes which has been stated by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) (P.B.U.H). At 5:30 A.M. prayers will be Broadcasted by the Imams along with Quranic verses so that people pray in their houses by listening to the Sermons.
The head of BBC Local radio Chris Burns said that people who are isolated must feel connected and that is what Local Radio does, to connect communities and help people.
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The Muslims will be able to feel connected with this broadcast. The BBC also broadcast the Christian services on 39 local radio stations.
The radio broadcast the Friday prayers and will continue to do so Until people are allowed to go to the mosque. Along with the Christian and Muslim prayers, the BBC also broadcast the religious prayers for Hindus and Jews.
Queen Elizabeth in a TV broadcast praised people who belong to different religions who are trying to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
Also: Coronavirus: Mumbai Allana Mosque Closed Doors To Worshippers Over Coronavirus Fear.
This step taken by BBC Radio shows how equality among people belonging to different religions needs to be maintained. Chris Burns with this act portrayed that it is the unity that needs to have prevailed during this situation and people should be allowed to come together and oneness needs to be maintained among people during such a crisis.
Many Muslim communities are found in Britain. The broadcast will help the Muslims every week to perform the Friday prayers which will be lead by the Imams and the people can pray in their houses.
This was the first time Friday prayers were broadcasted through radio station but it will continue Next Week too.