Vanessa who was an American catholic rapper, who part of life was the party embraced Islam after getting inspired by Muslims Holy book Quran at 30.

- Bolivian/American girl named Venessa converted to Islam.
- She was a singer and a Rapper.
- She converted to Islam after reading the Holy Quran.
Venessa is a Bolivian/American girl, She is 30 years old. She was a catholic Christian before she converted to Islam. She accepted Islam when she was 19 years old.
Who introduced her to Islam?
She was in the music business and she uses to party a lot, it was nothing unusual for her. During the same time back then she met her ex-boyfriend who was a Muslim and was against her doing a party all day.
She finally decided to take a break from Music, during this period she felt a lot of changes and peace within herself and she got to know more about herself, it was not because she was in love but because she tried to connect with Islam.
Was she religious before embracing Islam?
Venessa born in a catholic family was never able to connect the religious beliefs with her thoughts, but she was influenced by the idea that a person can choose a religion of their choice.
On Valentine’s day her boyfriend gifted her a lecture of Nouman Ali Khan, she said that it was surprising and was moved by the lecture. She said that she always respected her boyfriend’s religion. A small incident developed her interest in the Quran and Islam.
Her boyfriend’s parents too helped her understand Islam better.
When they both were in a mall his father saw them, he was not against it but later he told his dad that how Venessa was interested in Islam. Both his parents taught her about Islam and use to clarify her doubts.
They even called her for Ramadan Dinners and spent time discussing Islam. He got to know about the great ladies of Islam and she started wearing Hijab when she understood that it was Allah’s command to do so.
She took shahada and became Muslim, she began to recite the verses of the Quran and tried to learn the verses. She decided that she will never remove her Hijab.
Did her parents accept her as Muslim?
Her parents were against her decision but Venessa tried to explain to them, even they agreed that Islam is a true religion and converted to Islam. She started doing Islamic Nasheeds. At an open mic, she met her husband and both of them Married soon.