In the last few years, there is an increase in Islamophobic incidents throughout the world. Islamophobia is an incomprehensible and illogical fear, hatred, and hostility towards the Islamic religion and Muslims. Mosques are vandalized, Muslims have been brutally attacked, children being killed all around the world.

Here are summaries of Islamophobia attacks on Muslims.
Islamophobia in United States:

August-2016: On a busy street of queens near their Mosque, a New York imam and his compatriot shot and killed. This was a hate crime, according to the police. The attacker has been taken into custody and charged with murder.
Islamophobia Led a Catholic Girl to Islam
March-2017: A Florida man who attempted to burn down a convenience shop told investigators that he thought the owner was Muslim and that he wanted to “run the Arabs out of our nation.” The sheriff later revealed that the business owners are Indian.
May-2017: Two men are stabbed to death after they try to interfere when a guy begins screaming racial smears at two Muslim women wearing hijab, on a train in Oregon, North Western states of the United States.
The attacker has been identified as Christian, named Jeremy Joseph aged 35. The third person is badly injured.
March-2019: A man tried to burn and vandalize Mosque in Escondido, which caused minimal damage to the building. Police uncovered graffiti referencing the Christ church mosque shooting gunman on the mosque’s crossroad, making them consider the fire in the mosque was a terrorist attack.
April-2019: Isaiah Joel Peoples intentionally crashed his car into a group of people on his way to Bible Study Group, as he thought that they were Muslims and continuously screamed “Thank you Jesus” after crashing into them. Eight persons were injured. One of the victims, Dhriti Narayan, a 7th standard Indian-origin girl is in a coma after doctors amputated the left part of her skull. The man has been charged.
Islamophobia in Canada:

November-2016: The Sept-lies Mosque was vandalized by a group of people. Previously, in the year 2014, the mosque was vandalized. The police believed that it was a hate crime.
Muslim Family killed in Canada: planned truck hit and run case.
January-2017: A 27-year-old man, named Alexandre Bissonnette murders six Muslim worshippers and injures many more in an attack at a Quebec City Mosque after the evening prayers.
One of the victims was killed while attempting to tackle the gunman. Other nineteen people are injured in the shooting. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
September-2020: Mohammed Aslim Zafis, a 58-year-old caretaker of the mosque was stabbed to death while sitting outside the Etobicoke Mosque, controlling the number of people entering into the mosque to comply with public Covid-19 health rules. The attacker Guilherme Von Neutegem, 34, was a neo-Nazi sympathizer having ties with a variety of far-right groups.
June-2021: A family of five members was killed by a 20-year-old Nathaniel, who drove his truck on the crossroad in London, crashing the family. Four of them died at the spot and the only survivor was the 9-year-old son, who was rushed to the hospital. The attacker was arrested in the parking lot seven kilometers away. The victims were from the same Pakistani family who had shifted fourteen years prior.
He wanted to kill Muslims, ended up becoming a Muslim himself
Islamophobia in Australia:

May-2017: Four Muslim women were attacked in Sydney in an attack portrayed as “bias-motivated” by new South Wales police. Read the full report here.
May-2017: Muslim schoolgirls were asked to leave the professional expo at the Perth Convention and the exhibition Centre as the attendants said that their “Muslim attire” was frightening.
November-2019: A Hijabi pregnant Muslim woman was stabbed and punched by a guy who was yelling anti-Islamic hate speech at the woman and her friends. Police lodged a complaint against the assailant and he was arrested.
Islamophobia in India:

April-2017: In northern India, a mob of about 200 cow protection vigilantes (Gau Rakshak) assaulted a group of members who were moving cattle. Eleven men were arrested and charged with smuggling the animals, who were transporting the cattle. A criminal case has been lodged, but none of the perpetrators in the cow protection group were arrested.
Muslim Man’s Hand Cut Off When Attackers Saw ‘786’ Tattooed on His Arm Islamophobia
June-2017: A sixteen-year-old Muslim teenage boy was killed in an assault. A man called Ramesh was jailed for being a member of a mob that attacked a group of four Muslim teenage boys on a train, stated on television that he was evoked into it by others because Muslims ate beef.
July-2017: Farrukhabad Muslim family of 10 members, which includes women, children, elders, and a handicapped teenager were attacked in a train and they were robbed by the gang who were screaming “kill they are Muslims”.
February-2020: 53 people were killed and more than 200 were seriously injured in the 2020 Delhi riots, which caused by the protests against a citizenship law seen by critics as anti-Muslim.
Islamophobia in the United Kingdom:

June-2017: In London, a 48-year-old man crashed a van into the crowd of worshippers who had just come out of the Mosque after the late-night prayer, which killed a 51-year-old man and wounded nine others.
Netherland Hijab Ban Led to many attacks on MUSLIM Women, Islamophobia
After the incident the driver, 48-year-old Darren Osborne apparently screamed “I want to kill all Muslims- I have done a bit”. He was sentenced to 43 years in prison on terrorism-related charges.
September-2017: During the racism campaign, a man unleashed his dog on two Muslim guys. Jakub Wendland’s crossbreed bull terrier bit a guy and left the woman traumatized. A 32-year-old shouted “you bite her, bite her” during one of the assaults. They murder people. So, go ahead and bite a Muslim. He was sentenced to two and half years in prison.
Islamophobia in New Zealand:

March-2019: A twenty-eight-year-old Brenton Harrison Tarrant, who is a self-proclaimed “Ethno-nationalist” from Grafton, New South Wales, Australia killed 51 and injured more than 50 people in a terrorist attack at Al-Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic center in Christchurch. The perpetrator is arrested and is facing charges of Islamophobic extremists.
Islamophobia in Spain:

August-2017: Two or three young men attacked a 38-year-old Muslim woman who is severely injured, in front of Madrid metro in the district of Users. The attack was related to the 2017 Barcelona attacks. The Islamophobic attacks increasing in Spain.
Islamophobia in France:

June-2017: Vehicular Attack: A group of people standing outside the Mosque after the prayer was crushed by a man’s vehicle, who attempted to kill them. The attacker was arrested and confessed that “he wanted to take revenge for Bataclan and Champs-Elysees” and he was charged with punishment.
October-2019: Shooting at Bayonne Mosque: Front national former candidate who is 84-year-old attacked a Mosque and hurt two individuals by gunfire.
Islamophobia in Sri Lanka:

March-2018: Anti-Muslim riots: Muslims were targeted and attacked in the series of anti-Muslim riots which began in the town of Ampara in Sri Lanka on the 26th of February spreading to Kandy district bt the 2nd March until its end.
May-2019: The 2019 Anti-Muslim riots were targeting Muslims in Sri Lanka. The riots began as individual incidents, after-effects of the Easter bombs all around the country starting in Chillaw and continuously spreading to the Northwestern province.
Islamophobia in Denmark:

April-2019: A girl in Copenhagen was attacked by a man and her headscarf was pulled off by him, who was screaming religious slurs at her. Later he was arrested and charged with violence. America islamophobia.
Sweden, Far-right activists burn copy of the Quran, plans to do more such stunts, Islamophobia
September-2019: A group of men was attacked by a man who intentionally drove the bus into them. The people were gathered after the Ashura parade. None of them was injured in the attack, but the man was arrested and charged with violence.
January-2020: A Mosque in Copenhagen Denmark was vandalized by an unknown man who had written “Muslims-Islam=Cancer” on the walls of the Mosque.