- A Sikh temple in Kabul has been attacked.
- 25 People have been killed.
- The gunman attacked when there were more worshippers in Gurdwara.
In Kabul, Afghanistan a gunman entered the Gurdwara where Sikh people were worshipping and killed 25 people, many of them were wounded.
Related:- TheGuardian
Many worshippers were held hostage by the gunman. International troops along with the special forces of Afghanistan helped people to come out of the building.
The troops tried to rescue 80 people. The Islamic State has been claimed as responsible for the attack. The gunman used a rifle and lobbed grenades as reported by Ministry. 150 worshippers were present at the Gurdwara at the time of the attack.
Also:- Mahram Ali Shagasi Died Protecting Sikh Brothers From Terror Attack, He Was Shot In Head.
Mohan Singh who was in the gurdwara said that he heard gunshots and explosion and he was injured as the ceiling fell on him. One child has been reported as dead. There were many children in the gurdwara and they were rescued by the special forces. 3 suicide bombers had entered the Gurdwara.
India and Pakistan both the neighboring countries condemn the heinous attack. Zabihullah Mujahed who is the Taliban’s spokesperson said that the Taliban was not involved in this attack. Sikhs have been facing discrimination in Muslim countries.
In 1990 they were asked to wear yellow armbands to identify themselves but that rule was not implemented. In 2018 Sikhs and Hindus have been killed in Afghanistan in their way to meet the president.
The deal between the US and Taliban to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners to launch Intra Afghan negotiations but Kabul has held the release.
There was a fire that lasted up to 6 hours during the attack. Afghan Lawmaker helped people when he received a call during the attack.
Dozen of children Has been saved by the forces were seen running barefoot and were crying out for help. As Sikh people faced Discrimination, Many Sikh people had seek asylum in India as India has a large sick population.